What is a Spiritual Awakening?
A description of the underlying dynamics of a spiritual awakening
Joseph Drumheller
6/15/20232 min read
Let's start by asking the universal question that is at the very heart of spirituality. What is a Spiritual Awakening?
Historically, awakenings refer to a shift in consciousness, or an awakening to an awareness of reality, which has been previously unrealized. Often, the results lead to the recognition of oneness with all that is.
The essence of that oneness, which binds us all together, is a form of universal energy. That energy can be experienced and integrated into your being and used to heal yourself and others.
Spiritual Awakenings are an Event
What does that actually mean? It means your life has just changed…big time.
What you’ve experienced will allow you to see the world as you’ve never seen it before. Your perception of what life is and how the world functions will expand into vast new realms and possibilities, that stretch far beyond the physical world. Life can get very dynamic and exciting.
You may have visions or exceptional sensory experiences. An Awakening may also go on for a period of time. But whatever the circumstances are, you're getting re-wired to connect with a highly intelligent energy presence that is much larger than you are. You will not be the same person afterward. You’ll be even better.
Spiritual Awakenings are Personal
There are as many different ways to experience an Awakening as there are people experiencing them. Each one is tailored by a higher intelligence to optimize whatever experience is needed. Plus, it can happen more than once in a lifetime. One thing is for sure, it won’t be boring.
Disclaimer - None of Us can Make an Awakening Happen
Awakenings experiences are born of a higher intelligence. Call it God, the Divine, the Universe, Collective Consciousness, or whatever you want. It is this presence that makes it all happen. All we can do is set the vibrational stage.
To get your spiritual awakening off to a jumpstart, check out the following courses. Watch the free promo videos and sign up today!
Guided Meditations for Spiritual Awakening, Part 1
Guided Meditations for Spiritual Awakening, Part 2
To learn more learn more about healing, awakening, guided meditation, please visit our Guided Meditation Courses at JDH Academy