How to Heal Abandonment

Clinical Hypnotherapy and Abandonment

Joseph Drumheller

6/15/20232 min read

fort made from sticks in the woods
fort made from sticks in the woods

Do You Suffer from Abandonment?

Each of us comes into this world alone, absolutely dependent on other people. For many of us, the fear of being left alone without help is almost instinctual. We’re not designed to be isolated. We can’t survive by ourselves. In a way, being alone isn’t really human.

Ironically, we come into this life alone and we go out alone. We must also face every life transition by ourselves. Sooner or later, everyone gets kicked out of the nest. To fully mature, we have to stand on our own two feet and it’s not always easy.

In regard to abandonment, subconscious emotional charges can be created when there isn’t a loving presence guiding us through the early phases of childhood. We’re too vulnerable, innocent, and ill-equipped to understand or handle initial life transitions on our own. When we’re forced to do so, the resulting subconscious fear that gets created can cause debilitating circumstances in our adult lives.

A True Story of Abandonment

Here’s a story of a young man whose father was not around when he was born. In fact, he wasn’t around much at all. As a boy, he was frequently told to “Go play outside”. He wasn’t allowed to come back until supper! The time of year or weather conditions didn’t matter. He was left unsupervised and alone all day. Fortunately, he lived near some woods, so he wasn’t turned directly out onto the streets. Instinctively, he secured hiding places for food and money, in case he wasn’t allowed to come back home. He grew up tough and afraid.

Two things happened when he matured into an adult. First, he developed incredible independence and resolve. He could take care of himself in any situation. Secondly, he couldn’t bear to be on his own for any extended period of time. The subconscious emotional charges he carried from his youth produced absolute terror when he was left alone. He eventually became very successful in a business that required extensive travel. However, he had multiple lovers stashed in different cities, like food and money in the woods. He was never alone.

Healing Abandonment with Hypnotherapy

Issues that underlie Abandonment stem from traumatic experiences that have occurred in someone’s past. Through no fault of their own, the emotional trauma has been suppressed into their subconscious mind and lies in wait, very much alive. The feelings of Abandonment desperately wanting to complete their life cycle by being experienced. When they are, they will fade away into oblivion.

If the emotions continue to be ignored and stuffed back into the subconscious, they will start to create scenarios where they can be experienced. It won't take long for us to see repeating patterns of the same pain over and over again…like the need to have lovers in stashed in different cities.

The beauty and magic of Hypnotherapy lie in deep relaxation. When someone is deeply relaxed or in a meditative state, the subconscious mind opens up and trauma from the past (i.e. abandonment) can be released. When the emotions are released, the repeat patterns stop. The net result is called healing.

To learn more learn more about healing abandonment and numerous other emotional inflictions, please visit our Multi-day Hypnotherapy Healing Programs at JDH Academy.