Multi-day Hypnotherapy Healing Programs

Discover the Power of Deep Transformational Healing

Multi-day Hypnotherapy Healing Programs are online video programs geared to help you get the most out of life by addressing specific areas of healing. These programs are specifically designed for you to defeat your challenges, attain enduring joy, and seek a clear path to putting your life back on track.

Click on an image below and watch the free promo videos to learn more.

a road with a sunbeamed light shining through the treesa road with a sunbeamed light shining through the trees
a sunset on a beach with a lighthouse in the backgrounda sunset on a beach with a lighthouse in the background
a person sitting on a dock with a mountain in the backgrounda person sitting on a dock with a mountain in the background

Healing Depression, A 14-day Hypnotherapy Program
Hosted on Arhanta

Healing Anxiety & Fear, A 12-day Professional Hypnotherapy Program
Hosted on Arhanta

Stress Relief, A 14-day Hypnotherapy Program
Hosted on Udemy

a woman holding a tea in her handa woman holding a tea in her hand

Healing Abandonment, An 11-day Professional Hypnotherapy Program
Hosted on Udemy

Healing Unworthiness, An 11-day Professional Hypnotherapy Program
Hosted on Arhanta

What Participants are Saying

a woman with a large earring and earrings
a woman with a large earring and earrings

Joseph's teachings…opened my eyes to a whole new world of healing. His approach is quite unique, as he has a spiritual connection, you can feel that throughout his sessions and teachings. I am very grateful to know that there are still people like Joseph on this planet…Juan Pablo Martínez Celaya

I can honestly say Joseph's course was definitely one of the most beneficial courses I have taken. His technique is very unique, practical, and extremely effective. He covers a wide range of topics and he is very generous to share his experience…Shiho

I wanted to tell you that I’ve taken a lot of courses…and yours are some of the best I’ve come across…I wanted to tell you personally how much these courses are going to change my life…Lauren Carter